> Branding


it's not HOW
you LOOK.

It's what
you do.

Put simply, your brand is the relationship between you and those around you. It is not created through design. Rather, your brand forms around your values and conduct. A brand is the culmination of everything that identifies your product or service over and against your competitors.

Put simply,

a brand is

the relationship

between you and those around you.

You earn it through

your values and


The end-result is

building relationships

 with people your



Start thinking of your business as if it were a person...

The public face of your business is your logo.

Your logo is not your brand! It is a visual shorthand that allow people to quickly recognize your enterprise. And as with a face, it is instinctively viewed as likable or not. When evaluating potential logos—ask yourself: will it help people remember you? It becomes the graphic that you use on everything that relates to your business—visually reminding people who you are.

Your appearance becomes your identity.

Even with a likable face, how you appear: neat, slovenly, dirty, clean—all contribute to your identity. So be consistent—in use of fonts, colors, and style throughout all you do and you will appear both organized and memorable. Build on your logo—or more accurately, build a logo that builds upon and compliments how you wish to appear. And be original—create a look and style that sets you apart from your competition.

Your company culture generates what becomes your brand.

A brand is who you are. It is the “personality” that the world sees in you, and it includes all the interactions you have with the world (and not just with your customers). Through your words, services or products—you shape others' perceptions and judgments about you. Your logo is not your brand. If you want to gauge the importance of a brand think for a moment about BP after the Gulf of Mexico oil spill—their actions then still shape their brand now.

in branding your enterprise

Be youAuthenticity when shaping a brand, builds on the real strengths and passions of your business.

Be relatableYour company personality should be empathetic to and complimentary toward your clients/customers.

Be consistentConsistency makes or breaks a brand by communicating a sense of how well your enterprise actually works.

Be reliableReliability is your reputation.


31620 Scenic Dr | Laguna Beach, CA 92651 |  949.499.2100  |  ron@rlgad.com

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