Portfolio WEB


WEBSITE | stevejostphotography.com

Client requirements

"Just do your thing, Ron"

Design Comments

This design for this website begins a couple years earlier when I created a logo for Steve, my go-to photographer for the last 35 years. The logo consists of a stylized camera iris balancing his name in Cinzel with a fair amount of kerning. Simple. Elegant. A lot like Steve.

Steve is the only photographer I know comfortable shooting serious action, composed portraiture and table-top product photography; all equally well.

Website structure

I wanted his website to reflect this breadth of his abilities, so I designed it in different segments; the first to include six portfolios from specific client-commissioned photo shoots and the second to consist of five galleries of diverse images showcasing images from broader, general categories. The site, like all my websites, is an easy user-experience with a premium placed upon clear navigation and a simple user-experience.

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